HPTLC Sample Applicator – AS 30 inclusive Software
The HPTLC-Applicator AS30 samples are sprayed onto TLC/HPTLCplates with compressed air flow without contacting the plates. The sampleapplication is carried out automatically, only filling and inserting the syringeis made manually. A dosing syringe is fixed at a movable turret.
Therefore,removing and new adjusting of this syringe for every application is not necessary. It can be filled either manually by the filling syringe or by the Autosampler BS35.
This is remarkable and time-saving especially whenhaving a high sample-throughput. Up to 80 different samples can be applied completely automatically.The benefit of the spray-on technique for quantitative analysis is the possibilityof applying different volumes of same calibration standard instead of equal volumes of different standard concentrations. Even if samples are dissolved in polar solvents such as water, compact and narrow bands are formed.